Monday, January 26, 2015


There are things that need done here. 

Serious things.

I have a to-do list a mile long, yet I sit on this computer in front of this screen telling you about them instead of doing them.....

Then I am going to read.

Sometimes I think God has a better plan for me today than to wash dishes or dust a roomful of memories. Sometimes I need quiet reading time, just me and a book or my kindle. I Really feel the pull to open a good book alongside my Bible and do some research. I feel like coffee in my favorite mug, my ripped jeans and a hoodie. 

It is a snow day, so the teenagers are here, planning their day by snow and videos and snacks. Watching some show about pranks and bad decisions, laughing so hard they have forgotten they were yelling at one another five minutes ago.

I am relishing the clean look of freshly fallen snow, covering all of the mud and muck from this mild winter we have had so far. Footprints to the barn will soon commence, and the dogs prints as they walk out beyond the spruce trees to do their thing.  The gardens look amazing this morning, sunlight dancing on ice crystals, sparkling and rocking with the breeze. The tall zebra grass swaying with the weight of some snow and ice. The cats all bundled up on the patio, sitting in the sun while it lasts. I can hear the roosters crowing, the hens scratching for something to eat. 

The only thing missing is my husband who is not napping on the couch like I would prefer, but working outside an hour from home. He is setting up power for a new school, telling people what to do and how to do it. He is running between the site and his job trailer, looking at prints, measuring things, ordering material. He will sit down at lunch and heat up his soup, challenge me to a game of Trivia Crack, and have some down time.  Then he will cry all the way back to work because I kicked his tail again (maybe), and I will relish in the satisfaction that his day is almost over and he can come home. 

I just added another couple of things to that to do list. Then I threw it on the desk and now I am walking away.

God says rest, I don't argue. 

There is a new book calling my name and a devotion I need to finish.

Where did I set my coffee?

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