Friday, July 10, 2015

A High Five.....In Your Face.

Today I am participating in a link-up HERE

So, you precious reader, can read me here or over there. :)

My High Fives are going in the face today... as giant amounts of praise to The Creator of the Universe for all the blessings little and big.

 The first High Five goes to my Husband who made a HUGE decision this morning- and when I say HUGE I mean HUGE. He is ALWAYS thinking of me and right now, what is best for my future as a writer. He is sending me to meet a group of women I have been longing to connect with in person- and sacrificing our anniversary trip to do it.I have no words to express my gratitude for this man I have been blessed with.  God is so good.

A BIG High Five to my friend who has raised her eldest son to be a Man of God. Yesterday this young man who just graduated high school read my blog, and showed up on my doorstep with coffee and brownies. There are no words to describe how many high-fives this momma deserves. In the midst of her life which is happening at a furious pace, she has this huge win in parenting. God is so good.

My third High Five goes out to my sweet daddy and momma- cancer is never easy, yet these two have kept their humble spirit of laughter, tears and hope just rolling. Through Chemo, radiation, dehydration, hospitalization and everything that comes with it- they are rock stars.  Double High Fives for them as they eat hospital food and sleep in beds that aren't theirs.  Recovery is in the future. God is so good.

My fourth High Five goes to my children who continue to scare me, then amaze me with their charm, wit and love. They are so fierce when protecting each other and their family. I love their individual ways, their honesty- though at times brutal, and their ability to hold me in awe.  They are such a blessing. And even though are all almost grown- even in their adult and pseudo-adult phases, I see them as my babies. God is so good.

My final High Five goes to Jesus. Thank you Jesus for not high-fiving my face every time I do something stupid, say something unfortunate or wear something appalling. Thank You for sacrifice, grace, mercy and wisdom to know when its applicable.  Thank You for forgiveness, virtue and the ability to be myself, even when others don't get me. Thank you for the few who understand, the many who do not and the ones who will figure it out in Your time.  Thank you for carrying me when I am too weak to carry myself.  God is so good.


  1. Incredibly written and incredibly true - you are very blessed - as are those of us you choose to share your journey with! God is SO Good.

  2. God is so good!! Thank you for these reminders!

  3. It is so good to practice gratitude! It really puts things in perspective.
