Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday Fun

As part of a blogging community, sometimes someone comes up with a fantastic idea....this is one of those times...

By clicking HERE you can visit this sisters blog, and links to other writers for Fun Friday. I love being part of a writing community. And this is just one reason why.

Five Favorite Things....the things I fav based on my senses . 

To See-
This week I am blessed to see full suitcases, ready to leave on a missions trip this week. This will be our first time leading, so prayers are much appreciated. We will fly across the country and end up in a little church and school just on the outskirts of the Navajo Reservation near Winslow Arizona.  Last year hubs and I fell in love with this place, this mission, and these people. So anticipating this journey. VISIT HERE

To Hear- 
I am trying to focus on hearing only good things. This world is hurting from every direction, and I can make the choice to hear positive music, listen to amazing podcasts and read uplifting material. 
My favorite song is David Crowder’s “He loves us” ….listen here

To Touch- 
This one is easy for me- I lay in bed at night and know that for this moment, I can reach over and touch my husband, knowing he is right beside me, praying just as hard as I am for all the things we talk about each day. Holding his hand is the best touch, has been for over 25 years. He is my BFF.

To Smell-
When I hear the tractor start up I know I am in for a treat. I love the small of fresh cut grass. I like to sit on the patio at the table and write while the grass glistens in the morning dew.  As soon as the sun hits the lilies, the sweet smell reminds me of younger days when the kids were little. Cherishing those memories and enjoying their new freedoms.

To Taste-
 This week my favorite taste will be of no surprise to anyone reading this. My favorite coffee, in my favorite mug, with a caramel creamer…mmmmm. The taste of hot coffee accompanied by breakfast and quiet morning porch time. I am pretty sure the porch affects my overall taste. 

Those are my personal Favorites for this Friday.

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