I finally decided to take the time to start this daily post about where the heck all of our money goes.....because it seems it goes so fast and nowhere, so I am challenging my family and myself to track every dime for however long it takes to make a change.....
Eventually the goal is to eliminate a good deal of our debt, and put a chunk into savings every chance we get....
so here goes...
The way I am posting this for my family is on 3 poster boards- they are labeled "deposits", "monthly bills" and " other expenses"....I have them categorized also due to the needs -vs-the wants , and stars next to the ones we can eliminate if necessary, to help pay off the debt we owe. i will post pics as soon as they are complete...
We also have a plan in place to eliminate grocery expenses, and daily travel expenses, but those will be posted another day.
The goal of this program is to eliminate debt and to teach my kids about how to handle their money- No one teaches them this- not even the best economics courses in college prepare anyone for the real world of personal finance.....
I am also reading and learning tricks from professionals, such as Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard . They both have awesome websites and tools to use for specific situations.....And they have a place on their specific website where you can ask questions about finance- investments, escrows, etc...you name it, they can answer it....
Its nice to have good resources, but I want to have something simple and applicable to us right now, so I made my own system, following conditions and terms set forth by various professionals along the way.....
I hope that this post will enlighten you everyday, and will help my family, to influence your family on tracking Where Your Money goes!!!!
If anyone wants to link their ideas, successes, failures any tips etc, I will have that available as well....I also will eventually be giving away items to help you with money success....things that have helped me, things that are tools and even some fun things... so please stay posted and we will see where this gets us!
Ok, I found a sweet website you need to check out... Mint.com, it looks awesome! I haven't tried it yet, but I am going to show Jim and see what he thinks. I heard of it through Mitch (my sis's hubby) so if he uses it, chances are it is fantastic!